Day 2: Sunday September 8, 2019.
Some basics:
Name Tags, Rest room is upstairs; You are welcome to bring snack / water bottle
1. Please remember to come to each meeting on time. We need at least the full hour and a half each day. We have a very tight schedule to complete the many tasks for the competition.
2. Please remember to complete ‘homework’ assignments such as building parts before arriving. If you have questions or need parts let me know. That reminds me, I have some parts still at my house that one of you might need to complete your lego constructions for the game boards (pictures below). The instructions for the game board parts can be found here:
Reminder (on board):
- Core Values (most important)
- Project
- Robot
Core Values
Aug 31
Build lego parts for game board
View challenge video
Discuss core values
Discuss project
Sept 8
Build base robot
Learn programming basics
Teamwork activity
Brainstorm ideas
Team name
Sept 14
Program robot to move
Teamwork activity
Choose idea & discuss how to research solutions
Team logo
Sept 21
Build add-ons
Program robot to interact with objects
Teamwork activity
Research reports 1
Team costume ?
Sept 28
Add sensors
Program robot to use sensors & loops
What goes on core value poster
Research reports 2
Oct 5
Stop and follow lines
Design core value poster
Brainstorm solutions again
Oct 12
Crane mission
Crane mission
Make core value poster
Discuss which missions to prioritize
Oct 19
Mission A
Mission A
Discuss final project elements
Oct 26
Mission B
Mission B
Make project poster
Nov 2
Mission C & practice
Mission C & practice
Practice core value presentation
Present project to outside experts for feedback
Finalize design notebooks
Nov 9
Practice core value presentation
Practice poster presentation
Create executive summary
Core value activities:
5 minute lego retrieval
How to contain whole team in paper
Team building discussion
- How do we make sure everyone’s ideas are heard, how do we make decisions?
o Vote? Unanimous? Take turns? Mayor for the day
- How do we encourage you to not override each other?
- Team name (logo comes next)
Go over the robot challenge, place parts on mat on floor / table
One team works on building robot base, the other team works on programming lesson,
If you have your own iPad, install software & bring it if you want
Instructions for robot base:
Programming group:
Idea of flow diagram / pseudocode
Block guide powerpoint files here:
Project Group does the SPARK activity:
Examine game board for ideas.
Share what they learned.
Identify core values they demonstrated, and where they could improve.
Letter to team members recaping the day and with reminders:
Hello everyone,
Thanks again for a successful meeting 2. There’s information below for everyone, especially those who could not attend today.
1. Please remember to come to each meeting on time. We need at least the full hour and a half each day. We have a very tight schedule to complete the many tasks for the competition.
2. Please remember to complete ‘homework’ assignments such as building parts before arriving. If you have questions or need parts let me know. That reminds me, I have some parts still at my house that one of you might need to complete your lego constructions for the game boards (pictures below). The instructions for the game board parts can be found here:
3. The Rubrics that judges will use to score us on these elements can be found here:
Please go over these with your child before the next meeting.
4. I have begun a blog about the team. Your kids are encouraged to send me text, photos, or anything to add to the posts. I will post resources, assignments, and summaries of the meeting there, so you don;’t have to go searching for old emails.
5. For today’s session, in your engineering notebook,please:
a) write down a problem in the community, perhaps inspired by the game board. Who does it affect? Explain the problem? Describe an idea for a solution. Be prepared to present this to the group next meeting to begin picking a Project. You can think about the themes illustrated by the robot game board (traffic, parks, buildings, sustainability, access, and so on, for inspiration). Here are some suggestions on how to get ideas:
b) pick your preference for a team name, and think about why. A photo of the brainstorming board is attached here. Names included Legocy, Antroids, and a concatenation of the first two letters of everyones names: ZoZoMiJaSrHaAa
c) If you feel artistic, draw a logo for the team
d) We will try to operate by consensus, coming to an agreement on a topic by considering all ideas, discussing them, and finding one everyone accepts. Sometimes, however, there may be two groups that prefer differentt ideas even after discussion. How should we proceed to make a decision in that context?
6) Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the lego programming approach, using these videos and resources:
Some videos here:
Many guide powerpoint files here:
We started building the COR3 robot:
Instructions are here:
There are some other basic designs here:
If anyone has their own Lego Mindstorm robot set, you’d be welcome to build your own at home and bring it (keeping parts separate from the group kit), so we have two robots to play with at once.